Concordia University Chicago where education or spell check is fundamental

At Concordia University Chicago is where you get a great education at a price, where.... Okay, I am just kidding these kids are not getting an education at this "Lutheran" or "Christian" institution. As Parents, you are simply wasting your time and money sending your kids here.

The place is outdated, the education "materials" are outdated, hell their administrative offices are old ass dorm rooms! The campus is in the middle of nowhere between River Forest, IL and nothing. Barely the "experience" in diversity nor will your kid will be seeing the "real world" the opportunities are not abound here.

In fact, I have an example of a flyer from one of their events, look at the spelling, LOL there are five-year-olds that can spell better than that! in fact most people know to spell check before sending something like that out to anyone, students, faculty, employees of the University .. anyone. Spellcheck something that is taught, learned .....well not here at Concordia.

Can you see where the error is in the Senior night flyer?
