Fuck Noodles and Company!

I reached out to them about their Birthday program and they give me bullshit. The worse thing about it is now we as consumers have to deal with this shit. We have to get a piece of shit dessert instead of the free entrée that was given out for years. It is almost like a change of thanksgiving Family dinner after Mom or Dad dies or even Grandma, the whole event is changed almost leaving you with PSTD. The change for me was unexpected and, of course, since it is free I should not complain. But what the hell I am a loyal customer and should get the benefit of the doubt.

Getting something free from a company or organization after frequenting them, as a customer, for years is just a reward for loyalty. For being the one of those who has stuck with that company or organization through the good years and the lean years, a reward such as the free entrée that Noodles and Company gave out made it stood out. With the downsizing of the free reward, it (Noodles and Company) becomes closer to being just another big corporate fast food chain like McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy’s, just another organization that will expect you to come back again and again without any reward or thanks for your dollar.

Now I am not saying that I need my dick sucked or a parade thrown in my honor. All I need is my free entrée reward for my birthday. I made it a point to make Noodles and Company a destination for my birthday each year, now all that has changed not because I want it to but because Noodles and Company is gambling on customers just coming back out of blind loyalty. In effect they are even saying that their customers’ birthdays are not that important by taking away this reward.
When the Chicago Cubs won their world series in 2016 did it change their fan base and their expectations with that event? Yes. Now, thanks to Noodles and Company my expectations have changed of the company and how I spend my money on their offered products. It has become less frequent and less exaggerated in the number of items purchased. I mean why would I want a dessert I am not five years old for christsake. As I said I reached out to Noodles and Company online via Facebook and sparred with them quite a bit and had a few interactions with other people online about the subject and I was less than pleased with the outcome.

Noodles and Company supposedly had feedback from customers about changing the free entrée birthday item, really??!! Who the fuck does not want a free entrée? “Oh no sir! Give me that crappy cheap ass dessert instead!” Bullshit. I also call bullshit on their noodle day, free Mac and Cheese? Is that the fantastic extent they are offering, well I do not like Mac and Cheese so as a customer I am fucked right? Thanks Noodles and Company on that new customer rewards program change too. As I said in the Facebook forum I opted out of their Rewards program in protest because they suck now. A free crispy, is what we get now, as a result of the changes in the Noodles and Company reward program. I mean that is what those people who are still enrolled in the Noodle’s rewards program. I do not care who they state they “asked” but all I know is that Noodles and Company did not ask me about this change, no survey, no nothing. As you can tell, you know what my answer would have been, of course, it is not like an Organization like Noodles and Company gives a shit. Well, now that makes two of us.
